May Meeting 2021

Brethren please find mays newsletter.

I hope you can open it as this is the first time i have tried this,

stay safe and I look forward t seeing you all again soon

May newsletter 2021


also good news on the hall from W.Bro Nick Martin


Broad Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, CF62 7AT

Registered Office: 16 Lambourne Crescent, Cardiff Business Park, Llanishen, Cardiff CF14 5GF


Nicholas Martin

Tel:(01446) 741352

Mobile: 07814705778


19 Highlight Lane


Vale of Glamorgan

CF62 8AA


28 April 2021


Dear Secretary,


I wish to inform you that, following an application from the Trust, the Masonic Benevolent Fund has very generously decided to grant £26,500 towards the cost of upgrading the ground floor toilets in Barry Masonic Hall, providing a new accessible toilet and improving the disabled access/cloakroom/fire exit to the west of the building.


This will enable work to commence on plans already drawn up for these projects and a building firm has been appointed to carry out the task.


In addition, the stage area of the hall has been renovated over the past month so the hall will be able to provide much improved facilities in time to welcome you back for the new season commencing in September.


Yours sincerely,

NG Martin

Acting Company Secretary.