A brief history of 
Hafan Deg Lodge 

Hafan Deg Lodge No. 9520

Warranted 9th June 1993
Consecrated 23rd November 1993

In the early nineties, an increase in absenteeism and resignations among the more elderly Brethren became evident and, in many cases, this was directly attributable to reluctance on the part of these Brethren to venture out on dark and oft inclement nights. To stem the loss of these otherwise dedicated and able Masons, and to provide them with a more suitable forum in which they could 
practise their Masonry, it was to decided to form a dedicated ‘Daylight Lodge’ , the first in the then Province of South Wales Eastern Division.

The name chosen for the Lodge was ‘Hafan Deg’, which loosely translated from Welsh means ‘Safe Haven’. Consequently, the Lodge Crest depicts a sailing ship, with sails furled, lying peacefully at anchor in the calm waters of a break-watered harbour, untroubled by the rough seas without. 

Several possible meeting places were considered before it was decided to opt for Barry, with its close proximity to both rail and road links.

The Sponsoring Lodge was Penybont Lodge No.6743. The Lodge was Consecrated on 23 November 1993 by the Provincial
Grand Master, RWBro the Lord Swansea, following which WBro James Richard Bevan, PIGD, ProvGSec, was Installed as the
Primus Master by VW Bro Cdr Roy K Hopkin, PGSwadB, Deputy Provincial Grand Master. 

W. Bro James R Bevan was Initiated in Lodge of Endurance No.6729 in 1978 and was Installed as Master in 1986. W. Bro Akram Baig, PAGDC, and W. Bro Normand Hayes Bullock, PAGDC, were appointed and Invested respectively as Senior and Junior Wardens. 

W. Bro Akram Baig was Initiated in Vale of Glamorgan Lodge No.3977 in 198l and was Installed as Master in 1990. WBro Normand Hayes Bullock was Initiated in Vale of Glamorgan Lodge in 1953 and was Installed Master in 1964.

The Lodge benefited from 24 Founders, of whom no fewer than five were Grand Officers, and it was their aim not only to provide a place of comfort for more senior Brethren, but to assist those who were Master Masons to attain the Master’s Chair. Although the original expectation was that the Membership would be increased by Joining Members, this did not prove to be the case. In the first 14 years, the Lodge took in no fewer than 14 Initiates ranging in age from 27 to 77 years.

The first Master Mason Founder to be Installed as Master was WBro Brian L Whitaker, PPrAGDC, in 1998, and he was followed, in 1999, by the late WBro Ronald M Davies, PPrSGD. At the time of his Installation, WBro Ron Davies was aged 82, and had been a Master Mason for 46 years!

In 2002, the Lodge obtained approval for a Banner which, in the main, replicates the Lodge Crest. The Banner was ably designed by WBro Alvern Myron Muray Hart, PIGD, PM Porthkerry Lodge No.6299, and donated to the Lodge by WBro Akram Baig, PAGDC.

Hafan Deg Lodge continues to attract high attendances from both Members and visitors to its three Meetings each year, with the Ladies joining the Brethren for lunch at all but the Installation Festival.

Compiled by WBro James R Bevan, PJGD, ProvGSec.